v10.4 [Dec 24, 2015]
Automate MSMQ operations, including the ability to send, retrieve, clear, or wait for MSMQ messages as well as the capability to create or delete a message queue.
Supports the full suite of virtualization software including ESX, ESXi, Workstation, and Player. This provides the ability to clone systems, manage snapshots, and interact directly with a Guest OS.
v10.1 [Feb 20, 2015]
SMC Session Security (BPA)
Reports Audit (BPA)
6027 AMEM: The total number of tasks in the progress bar is actually the percentage completed.
6023 CONSTANTS (AGENT): modifying an existing agent constant causes the constant to "disappear" once you click on the ok button
6022 CONSTANTS (AGENT): constants are "disappearing" when adding multiple agent constants
6015 AMTA: Hover text on long triggers does not wrap
6001 BPA: Workflows not released from queue when Load Management concurrent Workflows is increased
6000 DATABASE (OPEN SQL CONNECTION): importing into step shows garbled text for connection string
5998 AMTA (LICENSE): White space is not trimmed from licenses when applied; Error message is unclear
5997 AGENT DEPLOY: host registry entry should be ip address instead of machine name for greater compatibility
5995 AMTA: despite a task being successful, an error still shows from the previous failed execution of the task when in tile view
5989 SMC (LICENSE): White space is not trimmed from licenses when applied; Error message is unclear
5987 SMC: "login to localhost failed" error message after installing v10.1 using an existing v10 database
5986 SMC: The Add Workflow wizard doesn't suggest a unique name
5985 SMC: A new task created via the Add Workflow Wizard is named "New Workflow" instead of "New Task"
5984 BPA_TS: Triggers/conditions created outside a workflow do not work until the WFD is opened and saved
5981 AMEM: task priority set to "run alone" does not give accurate count of tasks running and tasks queued
5980 AMTS: task priority set to "run alone" does not run all queued tasks once the first task completes
5977 AGENT DEPLOY: "...MSI error has been detected...(code: 1603)" when deploying to 2003R2 x64
5976 BPA_TS: Don't run option for Logon results in Tasks stuck in Running Status
5975 BPA INSTALL: BPA installs on windows xp x64 even though windows xp is no longer supported
5974 AM INSTALL: AM installs on windows xp x64 even though windows xp is no longer supported
5973 AMENGINE: "Evaluation failed: "Expecting ')'" error message when using a partially evaluated string in the call function action
5971 BPA: queued workflow starts running when it should remain on the queue
5970 SKYBOT (HELP): Clone job suite - clone action does not create new Member Jobs with the new Job Suite
5969 SKYBOT (RUN JOB, etc): field tabbing order is different in Host connection for actions than it is in Skybot Session setup
5968 SKYBOT (HELP): Skybot requires that Allow Web Service Requests be turned on in order to work with AutoMate actions
5967 IF (FOLDER EXISTS): "Folder "...." does not exist" error message when path contains a trailing back slash
5966 SKYBOT (HELP): Skybot is missing from the table of Actions & Activities Overview
5965 SMC: UI crashes clicking on icon in table header of Execution Status pane
5964 SKYBOT (HELP): Clone/Delete/Update actions require User to be a member of the 'Administrator' role in Skybot
5962 SMC: credentials are stored in plain text in the SMC Preferences.xml file
5961 SKYBOT (CLONE JOB): error when non-Latin letters included in new object Name
5960 SKYBOT (RUN JOB): when Skybot Job specfies an All Agents type Agent Group only 1 history ID is tracked
5959 SKYBOT (RUN JOB SUITE): action ends in error if Wait is not checked
5958 AMTB (REPLACE): replace functionality does not save changes to task after re-opening
5957 SKYBOT (RUN JOB, RUN JOB SUITE): error at run time if a variable name is not provided and the Wait check box is on
5955 HELP FILE: Help topics in AutoMate/BPA sometimes refer to "Skybot Scheduler" as "Skybot Enterprise"
5954 SKYBOT (RUN JOB): session appears twice in Session drop down
5952 AMEM : Update Copyright year to 2015 for About box
5950 HELP FILE (LICENSE): BPA section needs to be updated to reflect new licensing model
5949 SKYBOT (CREATE SESSION): https support needs to be added
5948 BPAS_EXEC: If the workflow limit has been reached, running a task manually causes the meta workflow to be queued
5947 SMC: Pasting a copied Process into the Workflow folder works
5945 DATASTORE MIGRATION UTILITY: Swedish characters are corrupted when using the migration utility.
5942 TEXT (CONVERT CASE): Attempting to change "E" to lower case results in "0" to be populated into the variable.
5941 TYPE (IMPORT): Does not save password on any "Authentication type" causing tasks to fail.
5937 README: Update Copyright year to 2015
v8.0 [Dec 11, 2010]
- Added preview handler for AML extensions
- Added filter for AML extension
Task Builder (AMTB)
- Changed the Redo Icon to be the Reverse of the Undo icon
- Changed 'Editor Options' parameter/window to 'Preferences' which better fits its functionality
- Set the Default Task location for unmanaged tasks to a location one user choose in the references
- Added 'Rename Region' to the Right Click Menu for the Steps pane
- Inserted comments will now be automatically indented if necessary
Dialog action
- Message box activity will show a full text description in Visual mode. Age box will scroll the text if it's not large enough to fit the screen. Next or Prev Search will jump to and make visible the appropriate step. Adjusted the Wrapping to be accurate and account for vertical Scroll bar. Enables adding a variable using Expression Builder when there is no Steps panel.
Run action
- Additional details in 'Visual' mode
- Folder launching support
- Piped (|) command line support for Run commands
Execute Web Service action
- Added proxy support
SharePoint action
- Added 'Describe List' activity
Web Browser action
- Web Browser - Set activity now supports optional encryption of field values
- Additional details appear for Web browser activities when set to 'Visual' mode
- Now supports auto-expansion of modified expander sections
System, Dialog & Web browser actions (General)
- Replaced all combo and password boxes with framework's latest version
FTP action (General)
- SFTP now works with Password-based keyboard-interactive login
Loop File Contents and Read From File actions
- Added encoding option to support ANSI and Unicode
Extended Functions
- Fixed issue with RndInt not returning a valid value
- Fixed issue with RndFloat locking up the task
Event Monitor
- Corrected issue that could cause the process to lock up or hang under heavy load
Schedule trigger
- Fixed holiday exclusion
v5.5 [May 14, 2004]
This major update added several new actions and triggers primarily focused on reducing reliance on BASIC scripting for text manipulation. Numerous enhancements were made to the help file. This is a recommended update for all AutoMate users.